Blockchain 101 - Part 2 - Public / Private Keys and Signing

This is part two in my basic visual introduction to the concepts behind a blockchain. We build on the concepts from the previous video and introduce public / private key pairs and signing using an interactive web demo.

If you missed it, part 1 is here:

If you are interested in playing with this on your own, it is available online at:

The code that runs this demo is also on GitHub:

If you want to know more about how public key cryptography works, see the Wikipedia page on it:

The details of how public keys relate to private keys are hard to summarize, but it has to do with Eulers theorem. Basically, using Eulers theorem there is some math you can do to a number given some parameters (which Ill call the public key) which allows someone with some other parameters (which Ill call the private key) to decipher the original number without having to do brute force factorization because there is a shortcut way to find the phi of a prime number. Rather than me butchering the explanation, check this video series out for a more detailed explanation:

Im @anders94 on Twitter and @andersbrownworth on Steemit.

BTC: 1K3NvcuZzVTueHW1qhkG2Cm3viRkh2EXJp
ETH: 0x84a90e21d9d02e30ddcea56d618aa75ba90331ff
ETC: 0xab75ad757c89fa33b92090193a797e6700769ef8

Blockchain: Real World Use Cases

At Global Architecture Week 2015, we covered ‘Digital Currencies and Cash’ and their relevance to Tax and Welfare Authorities, concluding with the message: “It’s not about Bitcoin, it’s about the Blockchain”.

Blockchain technology has the potential to enable a new mutually trusted, transparent way of sharing and transacting. In the UK Public Sector, Sir Mark Walport’s report Distributed Ledger Technology: Beyond Blockchain encouraged Government to assess its early use and potential. Meanwhile in the private sector, Blockchain FinTech excitement among start-ups and venture capitalists remained strong for a technology promised to be “like a whole new internet for value exchange”.

But where are the real world use cases today? What is it that makes a use case more likely to succeed?

In this talk, Nick Meyne, Enterprise Architect, Capgemini shares and discusses a number of Capgemini examples.

Filmed at Capgemini Week of Innovation Networks 2016 in Telford, UK.

How Blockchain can transform India | Jaspreet Bindra | TEDxChennai

Blockchain is currently at the peak of the Hype Cycle. It is a simple concept, yet difficult to understand and comprehend. It is also in the same place as the Internet was in 1995 – very early, with its major applications yet to be built. Blockchain is a much a philosophy as a technology, and has the potential to change the world as the Internet did. It promises to radically transform identity, agriculture, money, energy, governance, and pretty much everything else, especially in the emerging countries. This TEDx talk demystifies blockchain as never before, and explains how it can change the world around you… Jaspreet Bindra is a digital transformation and Blockchain expert. Until very recently, he was the Chief Digital Officer of $20bn Mahindra Group; and he continues as their Digital Adviser. He speaks, writes, teaches and consults on Digital Transformation and Blockchain, and is currently building a company around the same. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Blockchain City - The Future of Cities Driven by Blockchain (Full Movie 40 minutes)


Capturing the insights of leading figures from the technology industry, the Blockchain City Documentary is the story of cities around the world and their shift towards being technologically powered through Blockchain. With Interviews from leading governments worldwide that have implemented Blockchain technology, including the Government of Netherlands, Government of Estonia and of course the City of Dubai, the film captures what is shaping our collective tomorrow so that we can all join hands and take the next steps together.

The distributed ledger technology invented by an unknown entity under the name of Satoshi Nakamoto has sent more shockwaves around the world than anything else. Blockchain is not about just doing things in a different way, but it completely changes the way things are done, in essence re-creating models for finance, trade, logistics, education, healthcare and more. This documentary film will help viewers understand the impact of Blockchain and capture their definition of the technology

Class 5: Blockchain Technology

MIT 15.S08 FinTech: Shaping the Financial World, Spring 2020
Instructor: Prof. Gary Gensler
View the complete course:
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This class covers blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. Topics include the history of money and payments on the Internet, crypto markets, blockchain technology use cases, and central banking

License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
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How to Build an Application with Amazon Managed Blockchain - AWS Online Tech Talks

Building enterprise blockchain applications on your own infrastructure is often expensive, complicated, and time-consuming. Amazon Managed Blockchain makes it easy to build scalable blockchain applications by eliminating the need to setup and manage infrastructure, allowing you to focus on writing applications for your business. In this tech talk, you will learn how to build an application on Amazon Managed Blockchain with the help of demo applications and sample code. We will dive deep into product features, APIs, the Fabric SDK, and how to add new members and join Fabric channels.

Learning Objectives:
— Learn how to use Amazon Managed Blockchain and its features and functionality
— Understand through a demo and sample applications on how to get started with building a blockchain application
— Learn Hyperledger Fabric functionality such as Fabric SDK, how to create and join Fabric channels