Особенности национального майнинга

ytimg.preload(https://r18---sn-axq7sn7l.googlevideo.com/generate_204);ytimg.preload(https://r18---sn-axq7sn7l.googlevideo.com/generate_204?conn2);Особенности национального майнинга — YouTube<link rel=«alternate» type=«application/json oembed» href=«www.youtube.com/oembed?format=json

Очень подробно, для чайников, сборка майнинг фермы 2018

Подробное видео по сборке майнинг фермы на основе метеринской платы DVR B250 BTC, подойдёт для чайников и начинающих майнеров как руководство по подключению всех компонентов майнинг фермы и сборке рига для майнинга.
— состав майнинг фермы
— установка процессора
— установка памяти
— подключение райзеров
— установка видеокарты в ферму
— подключение блока питания
— первый запуск материнской платы
— настройка биоса для загрузки HIVE OS

Полезные ссылки:
Материнская плата для майнинга на 12 видеокарт DVR B250 BTC 12P, прямая ссылка: cryptoman.store/materinskaja-plata-na-12-videokart?tracking=5b40fb703bea0
Райзеры: cryptoman.store/rajzer-riser-ver-006-4-pin-pitanie-molex?tracking=5b40fb703bea0
Неплохой блок питания: cryptoman.store/blok-pitanija-1850-vatt-1850w?tracking=5b40fb703bea0
— Видео распаковки DVR B250 BTC 12P youtu.be/kE4tn0mHL_c
Из чего собрать майнинг риг — youtu.be/yYIPt0vaXKE
— Hive OS — goo.gl/a2VZ1x — загрузочная флешка для майнинга.
— Общение голосом в канале Dickord: discord.gg/3UNZtyG
— * для тех кто любит по визжать в коментах. Все компоненты для сборки автор приобретал за свои деньги, Это не про плаченая реклама. Так что если ролик для вас оказался полезен вы можете выразить своё спасибо просто перейдя по реферальным ссылкам или задонатить www.donationalerts.ru/r/pointlife СПАСИБО.
** видео снято в 4К, наслаждайтесь :)


Рассказал жив ли майнинг в сентябре 2020 года, показал мои майнинг фермы и рассказал обратную для меня сторону популярности De-fi проектов.

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insta www.instagram.com/roman_tomera

Group theory and why I love 808,017,424,794,512,875,886,459,904,961,710,757,005,754,368,000,000,000

An introduction to group theory, and the monster group.
Viewer supported: 3b1b.co/monster-thanks
Minor error corrections below↓↓↓

This video is part of the #MegaFavNumbers project: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLar4u0v66vIodqt3KSZPsYyuULD5meoAo

To join the gang, upload your own video on your own favorite number over 1,000,000 with the hashtag #MegaFavNumbers, and the word MegaFavNumbers in the title by September 2nd, 2020, and itll be added to the playlist above.

*Typo on the «hard problem» at 14:11, it should be a/(b c) b/(a c) c/(a b) = 4
*Typo-turned-speako: The classification of quasithin groups is 1221 pages long, not 12,000. The full collection of papers proving the CFSG theorem do make up tens of thousands of pages, but no one paper was quite _that_ crazy.

Thanks to Richard Borcherds for helpful comments while putting this video together. He has a wonderful hidden gem of a channel: youtu.be/a9k_QmZbwX8

You may also enjoy this brief article giving an overview of this monster:

If you want to learn more about group theory, check out the expository papers here:

Videos with John Conway talking about the Monster:

More on Noethers Theorem:

The symmetry ambigram was designed by Punya Mishra:

The Monster image comes from the Noun Project, via Nicky Knicky

— These animations are largely made using manim, a scrappy open-source python library: github.com/3b1b/manim

If you want to check it out, I feel compelled to warn you that its not the most well-documented tool, and it has many other quirks you might expect in a library someone wrote with only their own use in mind.

Music by Vincent Rubinetti.

Download the music on Bandcamp:


Stream the music on Spotify:


If you want to contribute translated subtitles or to help review those that have already been made by others and need approval, you can click the gear icon in the video and go to subtitles/cc, then «add subtitles/cc». I really appreciate those who do this, as it helps make the lessons accessible to more people.

— 3blue1brown is a channel about animating math, in all senses of the word animate. And you know the drill with YouTube, if you want to stay posted on new videos, subscribe: 3b1b.co/subscribe

Various social media stuffs:

Website: www.3blue1brown.com

Twitter: twitter.com/3blue1brown

Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/3blue1brown

Instagram: www.instagram.com/3blue1brown_animations/

Patreon: patreon.com/3blue1brown

Facebook: www.facebook.com/3blue1brown

Will Quantum Computers break encryption?

How do you secure messages over the internet? How do quantum computers break it? How do you fix it? Why dont you watch the video to find out? Why does this description have so many questions? Why are you still reading? What is the meaning of life?

0:00 Intro — Are we DOOOOMED??
0:52 How NOT to Send Secret Messages
2:09 RSA — Encryption Today
5:19 One-Way Functions and Post-Quantum Cryptography
7:28 Qubits and Measurement
9:03 BB84 — Quantum Cryptography
12:43 Alternatives and Problems
14:26 A Case for Quantum Computing

Facebook: www.facebook.com/frameofessence
Twitter: twitter.com/frameofessence
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/frameofessence

You dont actually need a quantum computer to do quantum-safe encryption. As briefly mentioned at 7.04, there are encryption schemes that can be run on regular computers that cant be broken by quantum computers.


«The public key can only be used to scramble information.» (2.18) Technically, you can use any key to encrypt or decrypt whatever you want. But theres a specific way to use them thats useful, which is whats shown in the video.
«Given a private key, its easy to create its corresponding public key.» (5.36) In RSA, depending on exactly what you mean by «private key», neither key is actually derivable from the other. When they are created, they are generated together from a common base (not just the public key from the private key). But typically, the file that stores the «private key» actually contains a bit more information than just the private key. For example, in PKCS #1 RSA private key format ( tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3447#appendix-A.1.2 ), the file technically contains the entire public key too. So in short, you technically cant get the public key from the private key or vice versa, but the file that contains the private key can hold more than just the private key alone, making it possible to retrieve the public key from it.

Video links:

Encryption and HUGE numbers — Numberphile

The No Cloning Theorem — minutephysics

Quantum Entanglement

Why do prime numbers make these spirals?

A story of mathematical play.
Home page: www.3blue1brown.com
Brought to you by you: 3b1b.co/spiral-thanks

Based on this Math Stack Exchange post:

Want to learn more about rational approximations? See this Mathologer video.

Also, if you havent heard of Ulam Spirals, you may enjoy this Numberphile video:

Dirichlets paper:

Important error correction: In the video, I say that Dirichlet showed that the primes are equally distributed among allowable residue classes, but this is not historically accurate. (By «allowable», here, I mean a residue class whose elements are coprime to the modulus, as described in the video). What he actually showed is that the sum of the reciprocals of all primes in a given allowable residue class diverges, which proves that there are infinitely many primes in such a sequence.

Dirichlet observed this equal distribution numerically and noted this in his paper, but it wasnt until decades later that this fact was properly proved, as it required building on some of the work of Riemann in his famous 1859 paper. If Im not mistaken, I think it wasnt until Vallée Poussin in (1899), with a version of the prime number theorem for residue classes like this, but I could be wrong there.

In many ways, this was a very silly error for me to have let through. It is true that this result was proven with heavy use of complex analysis, and in fact, its in a complex analysis lecture that I remember first learning about it. But of course, this would have to have happened after Dirichlet because it would have to have happened after Riemann!

My apologies for the mistake. If you notice factual errors in videos that are not already mentioned in the videos description or pinned comment, dont hesitate to let me know.

— These animations are largely made using manim, a scrappy open-source python library: github.com/3b1b/manim

If you want to check it out, I feel compelled to warn you that its not the most well-documented tool, and it has many other quirks you might expect in a library someone wrote with only their own use in mind.

Music by Vincent Rubinetti.
Download the music on Bandcamp:

Stream the music on Spotify:

If you want to contribute translated subtitles or to help review those that have already been made by others and need approval, you can click the gear icon in the video and go to subtitles/cc, then «add subtitles/cc». I really appreciate those who do this, as it helps make the lessons accessible to more people.

— 3blue1brown is a channel about animating math, in all senses of the word animate. And you know the drill with YouTube, if you want to stay posted on new videos, subscribe: 3b1b.co/subscribe

Various social media stuffs:
Website: www.3blue1brown.com
Twitter: twitter.com/3blue1brown
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/3blue1brown
Instagram: www.instagram.com/3blue1brown_animations/
Patreon: patreon.com/3blue1brown
Facebook: www.facebook.com/3blue1brown

But what is a Neural Network? | Deep learning, chapter 1

Home page: www.3blue1brown.com/
Brought to you by you: 3b1b.co/nn1-thanks
Additional funding provided by Amplify Partners

Full playlist: 3b1b.co/neural-networks

Typo correction: At 14 minutes 45 seconds, the last index on the bias vector is n, when its supposed to in fact be a k. Thanks for the sharp eyes that caught that!

For those who want to learn more, I highly recommend the book by Michael Nielsen introducing neural networks and deep learning: goo.gl/Zmczdy

There are two neat things about this book. First, its available for free, so consider joining me in making a donation Nielsens way if you get something out of it. And second, its centered around walking through some code and data which you can download yourself, and which covers the same example that I introduce in this video. Yay for active learning!

I also highly recommend Chris Olahs blog: colah.github.io/

For more videos, Welch Labs also has some great series on machine learning:

For those of you looking to go *even* deeper, check out the text «Deep Learning» by Goodfellow, Bengio, and Courville.

Also, the publication Distill is just utterly beautiful: distill.pub/

Lion photo by Kevin Pluck

— Timeline:
0:00 — Introduction example
1:07 — Series preview
2:42 — What are neurons?
3:35 — Introducing layers
5:31 — Why layers?
8:38 — Edge detection example
11:34 — Counting weights and biases
12:30 — How learning relates
13:26 — Notation and linear algebra
15:17 — Recap
16:27 — Some final words
17:03 — ReLU vs Sigmoid

— Animations largely made using manim, a scrappy open source python library. github.com/3b1b/manim

If you want to check it out, I feel compelled to warn you that its not the most well-documented tool, and has many other quirks you might expect in a library someone wrote with only their own use in mind.

Music by Vincent Rubinetti.
Download the music on Bandcamp:

Stream the music on Spotify:

If you want to contribute translated subtitles or to help review those that have already been made by others and need approval, you can click the gear icon in the video and go to subtitles/cc, then «add subtitles/cc». I really appreciate those who do this, as it helps make the lessons accessible to more people.
— 3blue1brown is a channel about animating math, in all senses of the word animate. And you know the drill with YouTube, if you want to stay posted on new videos, subscribe, and click the bell to receive notifications (if youre into that).

If you are new to this channel and want to see more, a good place to start is this playlist: 3b1b.co/recommended

Various social media stuffs:
Website: www.3blue1brown.com
Twitter: twitter.com/3Blue1Brown
Patreon: patreon.com/3blue1brown
Facebook: www.facebook.com/3blue1brown
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/3Blue1Brown

Pi hiding in prime regularities

История про π, простые и комплексные числа, и то, как теория чисел сплетает их вместе.

Загляните на вакансии Remix: www.remix.com/jobs

Факт о том, что только простые числа, которые на единицу больше, чем числа, кратные четырем могут быть выражены как сумма двух квадратов известен как «Теорема Ферма о сумме двух квадратов»: goo.gl/EdhaN2

Особое спасибо следующим patronам: 3b1b.co/leibniz-thanks

— 3blue1brown — канал, занимающийся анимированием математики во всех смыслах слова «animate». И как вы уже знаете обо всей этой системе YouTube, если вы хотите узнавать про новые видео, подписывайтесь и нажмите на колокольчик что-бы получать уведомления (если вы в этом заинтересованы).

Если вы только недавно на этом канале и хотите увидеть больше, для начала отличным местечком станет этот плейлист: 3b1b.co/recommended

Всякие штучки со всякими социальными сетями:
Сайт: www.3blue1brown.com
Twitter: twitter.com/3Blue1Brown
Patreon: patreon.com/3blue1brown
Facebook: www.facebook.com/3blue1brown
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/3Blue1Brown

Thinking outside the 10-dimensional box

Visualizing high-dimensional spheres to understand a surprising puzzle.
Home page: www.3blue1brown.com/
Brought to you by Brilliant: brilliant.org/3b1b
And by you: 3b1b.co/high-d-thanks

Podcast! www.benbenandblue.com/
Check out Ben Eaters channel: www.youtube.com/user/eaterbc

— Animations largely made using manim, a scrappy open source python library. github.com/3b1b/manim

If you want to check it out, I feel compelled to warn you that its not the most well-documented tool, and it has many other quirks you might expect in a library someone wrote with only their own use in mind.

Music by Vincent Rubinetti.
Download the music on Bandcamp:

Stream the music on Spotify:

If you want to contribute translated subtitles or to help review those that have already been made by others and need approval, you can click the gear icon in the video and go to subtitles/cc, then «add subtitles/cc». I really appreciate those who do this, as it helps make the lessons accessible to more people.
— 3blue1brown is a channel about animating math, in all senses of the word animate. And you know the drill with YouTube, if you want to stay posted on new videos, subscribe, and click the bell to receive notifications (if youre into that).

If you are new to this channel and want to see more, a good place to start is this playlist: 3b1b.co/recommended

Various social media stuffs:
Website: www.3blue1brown.com
Twitter: twitter.com/3Blue1Brown
Patreon: patreon.com/3blue1brown
Facebook: www.facebook.com/3blue1brown
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/3Blue1Brown