Online-курс по Blockchain. Лекция 33. Концепция Merkle Tree

В лекции №33 рассматривается концепция Merkle Tree, в частности:
1) Структура и принципы построения Merkle Trees.
2) Построение Merkle Branch и свойства деревьев Меркла.
3) Преимущества структуры Merkle Tree и области применения.

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Getting Started with EOSIO DApp Development

This online training workshop enables developers (including non-C developers) to quickly learn the basics of EOSIO distributed application (DApp) development, with a focus on back-end smart contract creation.

1. Understand the high-level fundamental pieces of an EOSIO DApp

2. Learn the flow of transactions and actions (messages and events) in EOSIO

3. Observe the development and deployment of a DApp on EOSIO

4. Discover the various libraries available to a DApp developer

Learn more about blockchain technology and enterprise blockchain solutions:

Lecture 2 — How Bitcoin Achieves Decentralization

Second lecture of the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technologies online course.

For the accompanying textbook, including the free draft version, see:

In this lecture (click the time to jump to the section):
* Centralization vs. decentralization 1:12
* Distributed consensus 4:45
* Consensus without identity: the block chain 17:46
* Incentives and proof of work 35:43
* Putting it all together 55:39

Lecture 4 — How to Store and Use Bitcoins

Fourth lecture of the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technologies online course.

For the accompanying textbook, including the free draft version, see:

In this lecture (click the time to jump to the section):
* Simple Local Storage 0:27
* Hot and Cold Storage 6:28
* Splitting and Sharing Keys 19:52
* Online Wallets and Exchanges 30:54
* Payment Services 50:17
* Transaction Fees 58:30
* Currency Exchange Markets 1:04:09

Lecture 3 — Mechanics of Bitcoin

Third lecture of the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technologies online course.

For the accompanying textbook, including the free draft version, see:

In this lecture (click the time to jump to the section):
* Bitcoin transactions 1:44
* Bitcoin scripts 11:42
* Application of Bitcoin scripts 27:20
* Bitcoin blocks 42:09
* The Bitcoin network 47:58
* Limitations

1. Introduction for 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018

MIT 15.S12 Blockchain and Money, Fall 2018
Instructor: Prof. Gary Gensler
View the complete course:
YouTube Playlist:

This lecture provides an introduction to the course and to blockchain technology.

License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
More information at
More courses at

Lecture 6 — Bitcoin and Anonymity

Sixth lecture of the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technologies online course.

For the accompanying textbook, including the free draft version, see:

In this lecture:
* Anonymity basics
* Overview of Bitcoin deanonymization
* Mixing
* Decentralized mixing
* Zerocoin and Zerocash
* Tor and the Silk Road