Bitcoin: The End Of Money As We Know It traces the history of money from the bartering societies of the ancient world to the trading floors of Wall St. The documentary exposes the practices of central banks and the dubious financial actors who brought the world to its knees in the last crisis. It highlights the Government influence on the money creation process and how it causes inflation. Moreover, this film explains how most money we use today is created out of thin air by banks when they create debt. Epic in scope, this film examines the patterns of technological innovation and questions everything you thought you knew about money. Is Bitcoin an alternative to national currencies backed by debt? Will Bitcoin and cryptocurrency spark a revolution in how we use money peer to peer? Is it a gift to criminals? Or is it the next bubble waiting to burst? If you trust in your money just as it is — this film has news for you.
Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It (2015)
Directors: Torsten Hoffmann (co-director), Michael Watchulonis (co-director)
Writer: Torsten Hoffmann
Stars: Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Jeffrey A. Tucker, Roger Ver, Michael Casey, Stephan Livera, Paul Vigna, Trace Mayer, Nicolas Cary, Bernard von NotHaus, Joseph van Perling
Genres: Documentary | News
Country: Australia | Canada | USA | UK
Language: English
Release Date: July 2015 (USA)
Also Known As: Биткойн: Конец денег, какими мы их знаем
Filming Locations: New York, Toronto, Miami, Melbourne, London
Bitcoin: The End of Money as we Know It examines the meteoric ascent of the revolutionary cryptocurrency which rose from the ashes of the 2008 global financial crisis. As economies, and ultimately people, struggle all over the world, Bitcoin purports to provide an antidote to a world in which money is created irresponsibly by private banks. This Kickstarter funded film dissects the underlying assumptions that we make about money, and also questions the Bitcoin advocates assertions about this new digital currency. Will Bitcoin really signify the inauguration of a new Internet-based monetary system, or is it a Ponzi scheme, another bubble waiting to burst? Several experts and economic commentators, some enthusiastic and others sceptical about the potential of Bitcoin are cross-examined as the documentary explores the question: Is this the end of money as we know it?
«Absolutely the best short film on the complexity and beauty of this new digital wonder called Bitcoin. The narration was incredible. I really like the educational part of this video and how Bitcoin will definitely be a force to reckon with considering its reach within the general populace. The creativity was spectacular. I even shared with friends that the narrator sounds like Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime from the Transformers movie. Just an all around professional movie that is objective and educational. I have shared this with as many people as I can and will be waiting for more awesome productions. Definitely a keeper as a documentary. This movie was well thought out by the creators.» Written by luisedardon on
«I was fortunate enough to see bits of the early trailers last year and was very much looking forward to this release. This film did not disappoint. It gives a very through explanation of the history of money which I found to be very informative.
The interviews were excellent and the film gave a well rounded, cohesive storyline that should leave newcomers to Bitcoin fairly well informed about what it is and why it matters.
This documentary is a must-see for everyone wanting a good history lesson in money, who want to learn about bitcoin, and see the possibilities with the future of crypto-currency.» Written by gabehiggins on
«I really enjoyed this documentary. I liked that is firstly gets into the question about what is money and a short history of it. Then it goes on about how the actual system works and how money is being created out of debts by the fractional reserve system. From there we understand why bitcoin might be important in the future from now. Finally it explains what is bitcoin and how the whole system works. I strongly recommend this documentary to anyone who is interested in the concept of money and wants to understand what goes wrong with our current monetary system.» Written by deathsknight2 on
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