Рассказал, почему использовать Java для десктопа плохая идея. Ну и на чем с моей точки зрения лучше писать такие приложения. Спойлер — с моей точки зрения сейчас это C#
Новый тренинг для новичков (Киев и онлайн): инструментарий Java bit.ly/2waKckJ
Проверь, достаточно ли тебе знаний чтобы начать обучение на курсе Java менторинг в FoxmindEd? bit.ly/30kGQct
Advanced он-лайн курс Enterprise Patterns: bit.ly/2HmlBQg
Have you ever wanted to build your own cryptocurrency? Or learn Rust? Well, now you can. This is the first video in a series in which we will build a basic blockchain-based cryptocurrency in the programming language Rust. Dont know Rust? No problem! Ill be explaining some of the basics of Rust programming along the way. This tutorial series will be easier to follow if you have experience with lower-level/systems programming in languages like Assembly, C, or C and/or if you have experience with languages that have strict/complex type systems like Java or Haskell (at least stricter than Python or JavaScript).
NOTE: YES, THERE IS A LONG INTRO. I wanted to make sure I explained enough concepts for people new to Rust or blockchain to understand. Most of my videos are about web development, so I do not expect my typical viewers to have experience in these realms! 15:54 is where I start actually coding.
2:18 — Blockchains for Programmers
4:43 — Concept: Hashing
6:35 — What we will be using
9:52 — Code comparison (Java, Rust, JavaScript)
14:19 — Overview of starter files
15:54 — First line of code written: Implementing the Block struct
18:11 — Implementing Block «constructor»
21:40 — Implementing Debug formatter
27:26 — Creating the Hashable trait
30:52 — Implementing Hashable on Block
GeekLaunch produces educational videos covering such topics as Linux, web development (including HTML5, CSS 3, JavaScript, and PHP), tips for power users, among many others.
Conor is the Founder and CEO of Web3 Labs (https://www.web3labs.com) and the author of Web3j.
In this talk, Conor provides an overview of blockchain, how the Ethereum blockchain works, and how you can deploy and interact with smart contracts on Ethereum, all within Java, thanks to web3j.
Recorded at Sydney JVM Community Meetup, November 2016 (https://www.meetup.com/Sydney-JVM-Community/events/235146647/)
0:40 Коллекции
1:57 Списки
3:41 Множества или наборы
5:39 Карты или ассоциативные массивы
9:08 Практическая часть
36:16 Демонстрация результатов анализа
В лекции №33 рассматривается концепция Merkle Tree, в частности:
1) Структура и принципы построения Merkle Trees.
2) Построение Merkle Branch и свойства деревьев Меркла.
3) Преимущества структуры Merkle Tree и области применения.
This online training workshop enables developers (including non-C developers) to quickly learn the basics of EOSIO distributed application (DApp) development, with a focus on back-end smart contract creation.
1. Understand the high-level fundamental pieces of an EOSIO DApp
2. Learn the flow of transactions and actions (messages and events) in EOSIO
3. Observe the development and deployment of a DApp on EOSIO
4. Discover the various libraries available to a DApp developer
In this lecture (click the time to jump to the section):
* Centralization vs. decentralization 1:12
* Distributed consensus 4:45
* Consensus without identity: the block chain 17:46
* Incentives and proof of work 35:43
* Putting it all together 55:39