
Arrival of the Birds / Exodus (From "The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos")

Provided to YouTube by Entertainment One U.S., LP

Arrival of the Birds / Exodus (From «The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos») · The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra

100 Greatest Film Themes — Take 3

℗ Silva Screen Records

Released on: 2013-03-26

Artist: The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra

Auto-generated by YouTube.

How cash is becoming a thing of the past | DW Documentary (Banking documentary)

Cashless payments are on the rise. They are fast, easy and convenient. Worldwide, cashless transactions have become the norm.

But Germany’s central bank and government are still clinging on to cash. Can they stop the move towards a cashless society? Our documentary shows who is behind the worldwide anti-cash lobby. Banks want to get rid of coins and bills for cost reasons, and politicians think less cash will cut the rug out from under criminals and terrorists. Central bankers want to abolish cash because it would make it easier for them to enforce negative interest rates. And digital payment companies like Paypal or Visa simply want to profit from money transactions and collect as much financial data about consumers as they can. Their aim is to gain complete control over our buying behavior. For example, the «Better than Cash Alliance» in New York is supported by financial corporations such as Visa or Mastercard. They say the more people that are integrated into the international financial system, the more growth and jobs it will promote. But as our financial behavior becomes more and more transparent, states are also using payment data to find out more about us. The ordinary citizen’s view of cash as a store of value, independent of third party interests, is being increasingly ignored. But for them, cash is and will remain a symbol of freedom.

DW Documentary gives you knowledge beyond the headlines. Watch high-class documentaries from German broadcasters and international production companies. Meet intriguing people, travel to distant lands, get a look behind the complexities of daily life and build a deeper understanding of current affairs and global events. Subscribe and explore the world around you with DW Documentary.

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97% Owned - Economic Truth documentary - How is Money Created

When money drives almost all activity on the planet, its essential that we understand it. Yet simple questions often get overlooked, questions like; where does money come from? Who creates it? Who decides how it gets used? And what does this mean for the millions of ordinary people who suffer when the monetary, and financial system, breaks down?

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A film by Michael Oswald, Produced by Mike Horwath, featuring Ben Dyson of Positive Money, Josh Ryan-Collins of The New Economics Foundation, Ann Pettifor, the «HBOS Whistleblower» Paul Moore, Simon Dixon of Bank to the Future and Nick Dearden from the Jubliee Debt Campaign.

If you like 97% Owned support our future documentaries:
Go Fund Me: www.gofundme.com/f/the-man-who-knew-too-much?utm_source=customer

Документальный фильм Антарктида. Хождение за три полюса. Часть 1

Антарктида – самый таинственный и малоизученный континент планеты. Величайшая
пустыня мира и самое холодное место на Земле. Уникальные природные условия, которые не встретить больше нигде. 200 лет с момента открытия Антарктида будоражит
воображение ученых, мореплавателей, романтиков и искателей приключений. Сюда едут не только за новыми знаниями или рекордами. Испытать себя и технику, почувствовать
ледяное дыхание Антарктиды, понять, кто ты и чего на самом деле стоишь.

Наша команда отправилась к Южному континенту, чтобы осуществить то, чего до нас еще никто не совершал: первый в истории трансантарктический переход через три полюса. В
автономном режиме. Без надежды на помощь извне, рассчитывая только на свои силы.

Фильм 1.

Путешествие через Антарктиду длиной более 5500 километров начинается на севере материка на станции Новолазаревская.
В составе экспедиции 7 человек: ведущий фильма и автор идеи Валдис Пельш, режиссер Кристина Козлова, операторы Александр Кубасов и Денис Негривецкий, два водителя-механика: Алексей Макаров и Владимир Обиход, а также Василий Елагин — создатель уникальных вездеходов «Емеля», на которых команде предстоит пересечь Антарктиду.

Фильм создан при поддержке:
ПАО «Лукойл», КАГОЦЕЛ, Сбербанк Страхование Жизни, Русское Географическое общество, JOG DOG, REDFOX, ООО «Галактика Инк», CANON

New Money: The Greatest Wealth Creation Event in History (2019) - Full Documentary

►►To learn more about Dr. Steve Sjuggerud’s favorite China investment recommendations right now, go here to get his free investment report newmoneymovie.com/invest

Why is one misunderstood nation now the source of more millionaires and billionaires than anywhere else on earth? And why does America’s mainstream press ignore this story? Join entrepreneur and legendary investor Steve Sjuggerud, as he explores this mysterious place, and explains how it now offers what he calls: “The Greatest Moneymaking Opportunity of Our Lifetimes.”

Inside the Crypto-Kingdom: The Cryptocurrency Goldrush | Documentary | Crypto Currencies | Bitcoins

Inside the Crypto-Kingdom (2nd Episode): The Cryptocurrency Goldrush: The current hype about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as millions are made and lost make for great headlines, but misses the far more interesting story about the technology that allows them to exist, namely, blockchain. This series dives into the cryptokingdom to understand the technology and why we should all care about how it develops. Just as it’s difficult to do anything without the internet today, in 10 years, we might very well be saying the same thing about blockchain. The series travels through a landscape where the virtual and the physical intertwine, where seemingly abstract concepts like bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and blockchain have inspired libertarians, financiers and entrepreneurs to throw themselves into the technology and explore its potential for the future. Some see it as a revolution, others see the prospect of great profits, and many get lost in between — prey to scams, hacks, or naiveté. We travel across Latin America and Asia in search of the truth behind the hype.


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COPYRIGHT: All of the films published by us are legally licensed. We have acquired the rights (at least for specific territories) from the rightholders by contract. If you have questions please send an email to: info@amogo.de, Amogo Networx — The AVOD Channel Network, www.amogo-networx.com.

Evolution of Bitcoin - Full Documentary 2017 [HD] #Advexon

Credit: Chris Cannucciari
www.admycoin.com Check out our website for ICO info.
Check Top 100 Richest Bitcoin Address: steemit.com/bitcoin/@advexon/top-100-richest-bitcoin-address
Evolution of f Bitcoin — Full Documentary 2017 [HD]
Bitcoin is a form of digital currency, created and held electronically. No one controls it. Bitcoins aren’t printed, like dollars or euros – they’re produced by people, and increasingly businesses, running computers all around the world, using software that solves mathematical problems.

It’s the first example of a growing category of money known as cryptocurrency.
What makes it different from normal currencies?

Bitcoin can be used to buy things electronically. In that sense, it’s like conventional dollars, euros, or yen, which are also traded digitally.

However, bitcoin’s most important characteristic, and the thing that makes it different to conventional money, is that it is decentralized. No single institution controls the bitcoin network. This puts some people at ease, because it means that a large bank can’t control their money.

Who created it?

A software developer called Satoshi Nakamoto proposed bitcoin, which was an electronic payment system based on mathematical proof. The idea was to produce a currency independent of any central authority, transferable electronically, more or less instantly, with very low transaction fees.
Who prints it?
No one. This currency isn’t physically printed in the shadows by a central bank, unaccountable to the population, and making its own rules. Those banks can simply produce more money to cover the national debt, thus devaluing their currency.

Instead, bitcoin is created digitally, by a community of people that anyone can join. Bitcoins are ‘mined’, using computing power in a distributed network.

This network also processes transactions made with the virtual currency, effectively making bitcoin its own payment network.

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Камчатка – полуостров, про который забыли / вДудь

Промокод VDUD на 45 дней подписки в подарок: clck.ru/NmKqz
Смотрите фильмы и сериалы на КиноПоиск HD: clck.ru/NmLUQ
Розыгрыш призов завершен. Итоги конкурса в ВК КиноПоиска: vk.cc/awMW2z

Мы – на Камчатке!
Сразу – личная история.
Я ни разу не суперсноубордист, но на любительском уровне, кряхтя и пошытываясь, катаюсь. То ли 10, то ли в 11 лет назад я попробовал катание вне трассы – по нетронутому снегу. Это было настолько круто, что я стал мечтать о поездке туда, где такого снега – видимо-невидимо. Одно из мировых мест силы такого катания – полуостров Камчатка.
Лет 7 назад я узнал, что на Камчатке можно пережить совершенно удивительный опыт: тебя выбрасывают из вертолета на гору и ты съезжаешь – или на доске, или на горных лыжах – прямо к берегу Тихого океана. В тот момент я окончательно потерял покой и начал копить на такую поездку возможности, время и компанию друзей.
В процессе подготовки нам открывались довольно грустные факты. На Камчатке есть рыба, золото и туризм, но жить хорошо получается далеко не у всех. Петропавловск-Камчатский – все еще очень грустный и некрасивый город. А все эти туристические чудеса – вроде Долины Гейзеров или катания по вулканам – недоступны для абсолютного большинства местных.
Почему регион, который мог бы быть русской Исландией, пока совсем не Исландия?
Почему люди – особенно молодежь – продолжают отсюда уезжать? И только ли в климате дело?
И главное: почему в России даже такие жемчужины остаются такими необустроенными?  

Мы провели здесь больше недели, пообщались с разными людьми и попробовали узнать ответы на эти вопросы. Все, что узнали – рассказываем вам.

Яся Тринадцатко www.instagram.com/yaska13/
Алексей Озеров www.ozerov.ru/
Антон Морозов www.instagram.com/snowave_kamchatka
Саша Новикова www.instagram.com/sashanovikova2015/
Макс Балаховский www.instagram.com/maxbaloo/
Артем Шелдр www.instagram.com/artemsheldr/
Константин Брызгин www.instagram.com/k_bryzgin/
Серега Фирсов www.instagram.com/climbergreen/
Владимир Хитров www.kam24.ru

Дудь vdudvdud.ru/

Anacondaz – про Россию и Родину-мать / вДудь

После 30 апреля: 2 бонусных урока при первой оплате по промокоду ОТДУДЯ skyeng.ru/go/dud-gifts

Группа Anacondaz — www.youtube.com/user/rapanacondaz
Сега www.instagram.com/seginaboroda/
Артем www.instagram.com/artemkhorev/
Илья www.instagram.com/iliapogrebniak/

Шмотки Дудя vdudvdud.ru/

Поля из деревки и Дмитрий Марков о настоящей России / Редакция

Реальная Россия в инстаграмах Поли из деревки и фотографа Дмитрия Маркова.

Инстаграм Поли: www.instagram.com/polyaizderevki/
Инстаграм Димы: www.instagram.com/dcim.ru/

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